Biotechnological Excellence
The strategic partner for the success of your brand.
OEM/ODM manufacturing services: design, development, formulation,
manufacturing, packaging and handling of sterile
Cosmetics and Class III Medical Devices
Leader in research, development and manufacture of recombinant enzymes.

Proteos Biotech
Innovation = Differentiation
Creation of
Proteos Biotech.
Founding of the company specializing in biotechnology
Licensed manufacturer of class III injectable medical devices – Expansion into the specialty medical device sector
Alliance with Tres Mares Capital – Strengthening expansion strategy
Alliance with MOEHS Group – Strengthening of the position in the biotechnology market
Inauguration of production plant in Albacete – Expansion of production and service capacity
Expansion of production plant in Albacete and major investments in industrial equipment
Creación de
Proteos Biotech
Start of
enzimas research project
Proteos Biotech Alliance
with MOEHS Group
Rollout of
Internationalisation of
Class III Medical Device
Manufacturer’s Licence
Medical Devices
ISO 13485 Certification
Rollout of
pbserum MEDICAL
Inauguration of
pharmaceutical plant in Barcelona
Your success is our priority: we collaborate with you to transform your ideas into results
We have more than 4,000m2 of facilities for the manufacture of cosmetics and class III injectable medical devices at the service of our customers, under the highest quality standards guaranteed by various certifications and committed to the efficiency and safety of the processes and products offered.